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Apr 8, 2011

A Friday morning in Kyoto

This morning I had to go to Kyoto, and more specifically to the French Consulate.
It is actually located in a cultural centre known as Institut Franco-Japonais du Kansai, or 関西日仏学館. A great place to visit if you want a small piece of France. As a bonus, they also have some very nice cherry trees.

On my way back to the train station, I walked past Heian Shrine, the Budo centre, and along a canal (I forgot its name) and the Kamo river.
Here are some brief highlights of this walk.

Photos will follow shortly.
(edit: they are here)


Boris said...

Ah bein ca!! Nous étions a Kyoto au même moment.. je suis allé faire des photos des Sakura le long du Chemin de Philosophie.... si j'avais su ^^

Unknown said...

Dommage !
Il me semble que je l'avais dit sur Twitter la veille... ;)

Boris said...

ha j'ai pas vu ton message.. bon tant pis, on va se refaire ca un de ses 4. Mais c'était carrément mieux que la semaine dernière.. :)